Release 2024.6

InformationGrid platform

New IG web components version
With this new 2024.6 release, the IG web components are updated as well. Please upgrade to version 2.5.0. For more information see and the belonging documentation on IG Web components documentation. 

Domain modelling (beta)

With the introduction of domain modelling we take the first but huge step towards a new way of modelling domains and applications. This new method fully focuses on graphic modelling instead of creating configurations using forms.

Graph modelling allows for a layered approach which roughly outlines a domain first and later on defines the applications, integrations and the like. Not having to deal with all the finer details in the early phase will speed up modelling. Also, it gives much better insights in how concepts are connected together as the concepts are visually represented.

The way domains, applications and integrations are modeled using graph modelling is heavily inspired on the Domain Driven Design (DDD) methodology.

For now, the models are not turned into services yet, this is something that will be implemented throughout future versions, however, it already provides a great way of trying out the new graphical editor to model and document domains.

InformationGrid graph modelling component
InformationGrid graph modelling component
InformationGrid graph modelling component

Batch ingest

The REST API for document collections is extended with the option to process a batch of resources. The new endpoint accepts an array of resources and based on configured ingest mode create and or update all resources.

For more details on the api refer to the Open API spec for your document collection in the workbench.

InformationgGrid batch ingest API

<spoiler alert>In the 2024.7 release we will get batch ingest support for queue messages.</spoiler alert>


  • The sort direction enum in the document collection open api spec is moved to a re-usable schema. This improves generated clients as the generated code will now use an enum instead of a string.
  • The Journal view displays a message that an Aggregate type must be selected instead of displaying an empty table

Bug fixes

  • From now on forms will populate a dropdown with available options when a lookup constraint is configured for array elements
  • Message processors no longer stop when the same configurations are deployed on multiple InformationGrid instances that have shared infrastructure
  • The repository status occasionally reported unhealthy without a clear reason. We found there was no reason and solved the problem causing the wrong status being reported.
  • From now on not all but only projections based on data from a journal has been truncated will be reset after a journal truncate.
  • The Aggregate identifier in the Aggregate viewfilter input remains editable after executing a command with an autogenerated identifier
  • There was a broken reference to the Hit schema in the OpenAPI specs for searcher configurations that has been fixed in this release
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