InformationGrid platform
New IG web components version
With this new 2025.1 release, the IG web components are updated as well. Please upgrade to version 2.11.0. For more information see and the belonging documentation on IG Web components documentation.
New features
Webcomponents now provide polyfills
With InformationGrid Web components 2.11.0 polyfills are provided.
Please update the way you register the IG web components when you update to the latest version as follows:
import {applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements as defineIgWebComponents} from "informationgrid-webcomponents/dist/loader/index";
applyPolyfills().then(() => defineIgWebComponents(window));
import {defineCustomElements as defineIgWebComponents} from "informationgrid-webcomponents/dist/loader/index";
Aggregate manager command events
When a command is executed in the aggregate manager, a commandExecuted event is now emitted. This can be used by consumers of this web component to perform additional actions when a command is executed. See also the aggregate manager documentation.
Example using the new event (within an Angular application):
<ig-aggregate-manager aggregate-manager-id="myAggregateManagerId" (commandExecuted)="displayProgressDialog($event)"></ig-aggregate-manager>
Translatable searchable resource master fields
This release introduces translated labels for searcher facets, by using the (translated) label of the property type from the indexed resource type. The searchable resource master web component has been updated to display this label instead of the (untranslated) facet name.
- Missing translations are now reported as warnings instead of errors
- Improved backend startup time for large configuration repositories
- Default value for string property lost when opening resource type in the basic editor
- The multi-assign operator (=_) does not set value type of target correctly